Psychological Expert
As a psychological expert Dr. Manges assists litigation attorneys by evaluating mental health, emotional distress, sexual trauma, competency, and cognitive functioning, along with offering expert testimony and insights for both plaintiff or defense referrals.
Certified Vocational Expert
Dr. Manges provides attorneys with expert analysis on employability, earning capacity, vocational rehabilitation, and labor market trends to support case outcomes.
Expert Witness
As a dual forensic trauma and vocational expert Dr. Manges provides litigation attorneys with the information and analysis of how both children and adults are impacted by trauma including their long term mental health, quality of life, future work capacity and earning potential.
Dr. Manges is a highly experienced psychologist specializing in adult therapy. He offers comprehensive services to help individuals address a wide range of mental health concerns.

The Locksmith of the Mind
Dr. Kenneth Manges is a Forensic Psychologist and vocational expert who offers consultation and comprehensive evaluations. His analyses have been recognized for their clarity and scientific rigor. He offers scientifically certain opinions about the psychological impact of physical injury or emotional trauma as they affect earning capacity and the impact of loss on future work and quality of life. Well regarded in the litigation arena, he is a trusted and respected authority and offers evaluations that have been consistently upheld in both state and federal courts.