Acquaintance rape occurs when someone you know or trust forces you to have sexual intercourse. The rapist can be a friend, family member, neighbor, or a co-worker. Acquaintance rape can happen on a first date, at a party or when you have been going out for a long time. It can happen in any relationship, including:
- Friends, classmates or co-workers
- Boyfriends and girlfriends
- Internet friends and contacts
- Teachers and students
- Coaches and athletes
- Religious leaders and parishioners
- Doctors and patients
- Chauffers and drivers of public convenience vehicles
If you are the victim of a sexual assault:
- Speak to someone who is trained to help (search out a hotline for your community.
- Take action. Go to a hospital where they perform sexual assault examinations.
- If you did not consent, YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT.
Click here to understand why a rapist might not be punished.