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The Clinical Experience of Dr. Kenneth Manges

Dr. Manges is a licensed psychologist, vocational and career counselor, and experienced life coach. He has been providing clinical services, vocational consultation, and coaching services for over 40 years. Emotional trauma, marital discord, life changes resulting from work downsizing, and emotional distress due to life circumstances are among his areas of expertise. As a part of his services, he provides assessment for intellectual and emotional distress; adult attention deficit disorder; learning problems; early-onset dementia; Alzheimer’s; Asperger’s syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder; memory deficits due to traumatic brain injury; and emotional distress as a consequence of catastrophic events, including catastrophic disasters, domestic violence, assault, and sexual trauma, as well as war-related experiences. Click here to view his complete curriculum vitae.

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Life Coaching

His life coaching expertise includes providing a supportive face-to-face and/or internet experience for weekly, monthly, or project-related objectives in order for the individual to reach their interpersonal career and/or life objectives. As a clinician and as a life coach, Dr. Manges offers his expertise in mindful meditation, cognitive behavioral interventions, and real-time experiences for effective change based on the individual’s personality and best learning style. Online evaluations utilizing recognized assessments are incorporated where appropriate for a meaningful experience and establish a baseline for persons wanting a starting point to evaluate their aspirations and future goal setting.

Call for a FREE consultation!