Spousal Support Expert for Divorce

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How Dr. Manges can assist with Divorcing Spouses

If the issue of spousal support is critical in your divorce, you need an independent vocational expert to assess matters such as employability, market factors, and other conditions in order for a fair award assessment to be made. While attorneys advocate on behalf of their clients, they cannot testify to these matters; Dr. Manges can help you in this regard.

The work-at-home spouse has often put his or her career on hold, sometimes for decades, in order to help put the breadwinner spouse through school, doing all of the household chores, raising and taking care of the kids, and generally managing the household so that the breadwinner spouse can focus on one thing—doing their job at work. Work-at-home spouses do not get paid for managing the household, and, at the same time, their career opportunities can be significantly limited even if they want to rejoin the workforce at some point.

Dr Manges can help determine an accurate picture of a stay at home spouse’s employability, workplace options, and other factors so that magistrates and judges can understand the full picture when considering spousal support awards.

Call for a FREE consultation!