Speaking Engagements
Dr. Manges is an energetic and engaging speaker. He is an informative, creative, and instructive presenter.
His TEDx talk, keynote speaking, workshops, and conference breakout sessions are in demand by professionals, college audiences, as well as businesses and organizations.
Dr. Manges has provided specialty talks for continuing education credits and professional associations at their local and national conventions.
Topics in demand include:
- Leadership and motivation: Secrets of turning NO into YES!
- Resilience: Just surviving is for wimps. How you can triumph from defeat.
- Grit: Game-changing strategies so you can lead the life you desire.
- How to use your powers of observation to overcome deception and manipulation: You may not be able to avoid being a target, but you can sure avoid being a victim. Learn how to avoid being caught in the Velvet Trap.
You can view his videos on Youtube.
Call now to book your next event. Email your request with the time and date for your speaking needs to manges@drmanges.com now to avoid missing out on seeing "The Locksmith of the Mind.".
Dr. Manges' Certifications & Experience:
- B.A., in Psychology, Adelphi University, New York, 1970
- Certified Forensic Psychologist, University of Virginia, 1984
- Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present
- Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present
- American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999
- American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/Diplomate 1995
- Certified International Psychometric Evaluator, 2016
- Certification Star Behavioral Health Providers; Tier One and Tier Two Military
- Sensitivity Training: PTSD; TBI; Sleep Disorders; Depression & Suicidal
- Behaviors; Sexual Assault & Depression, 2016
- Ph.D., in Psychology, University of Maryland, 1974
- Masters, Psychology, Brooklyn College, New York, 1972
- Certification Training Trainer of Emergency Responders. 1990
- Certification Training Emergency Responder, 1989
- Certification Training for Bereavement Issues, 2005
- Certification Training Meditation and Visualization, 2012
- Certification Training Mediation, Harvard University, 2009
- Forensic Evaluation Training/Certification 1984
- International Psychometric Evaluation/Certification 2016
- National Center for Crisis Management/Fellow 1998
- Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/Certification 1990